Okay, world!

I’m still here.  I have all these ideas for cool posts, but I keep getting distracted by silly things like “med school” and “showering”.

BUT TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT, WORLD.  I’m going to sit here and hammer out some thoughts that bear no relation to each other, even if it kills me.  (Or gets in the way of “med school” or “showering”, which is… a little more likely.)

Hi, blog readers! Just.. checking in!

1.  Neuro is the best unit ever.  I’m in a honeymoon phase with the idea of being a neurologist.  I want to learn all about stroke syndromes!  And assess all sorts of sensory deficits!  And frolic in a field of magical reflex hammers and sunshine.

… Right?  I’m pretty sure that’s what being a neurologist is all about.  (Especially the frolicking and reflex-ing parts.  Nailing a reflex is incredibly satisfying.)

Though, to be fair, this kind of cheerful conviction probably explains why I was waitlisted at another med school for “lack of clinical experience”.

(Note: not lack of “meaningful” or “significant” clinical experience:  lack of clinical experience entirely.  Which was really harsh, in retrospect – It’s like they didn’t even care that I spent 2 solid years following Grey’s Anatomy.)

Or 4 solid years in college! (Don't tell me babysitting drunk friends isn't relevant. TOTALLY CLINICAL.)

And they also ignored the 1 year I spent forcing patients into wheel-chairs against their will.  Also known as “hospital volunteering“.  Or – alternately – as “Please, sir, I need you to stay in this wheelchair for liability reaso – no!  Damnit!  COME BACK HERE.”

… Nevermind.  That other med school really dodged a bullet.

2.  I’m 3 lectures behind in neuroscience and 1 lecture behind in neuroanatomy, and yet, you know the only thing I’m worried about?  Today I was carrying around a can of seltzer water, and someone told me my seltzer water habit always makes them wonder if I’m day-drinking.

And then I realized – wait, is seltzer water the sort of thing normal people only drink when they’re sneaking G&Ts?  Is that why I’m the only person in the class who drinks it daily?  Is that why somebody once elbowed me and whispered, “I’m so glad I’m not the only person drinking right now!” and I said “Huh?” and they looked at me strangely?

… Oh my god.  I need to give up seltzer water: the most innocent habit a person could ever have.


25 thoughts on “Okay, world!

  1. I drink seltzer water all day. Every day. And when I run out of my stash at home, I freak out. (La Croix is by far my favorite if you’re looking for a new brand.) No one has ever asked me if I’m a day drinker- and that’s a bit ridiculous, because I feel like it’d be hard to do well in med school while being drunk all the time. But I just went to the La Croix website, and it looks like they have amazing recipes for drinks. Especially that mojito. So maybe that person has a good point. (haha)


  2. As for the seltzer water – I learned to drink it during pregnancy. I wasn’t allowed to drink soda (calories) or diet soda (artificial sweetners) and I HATE plain water. I go through 2 liters a day. When my son was little he used to call it “sparkling water” and ask to share it with me…
    Don’t let them get to you – the people sneaking G&T’s are brazen enough that I suspect they would just use the tonic bottle. If there is more of a problem they would be carrying a little silver flask in their pocket.

  3. Your life isn’t sad, are you kidding me?? Seriously, if you don’t make it as a doc (which I am sure you will, I’ve never seen someone so genuinely interested in medicine..that can convey it hilariously) you can always write. Mad skillz. I’m a vet student but I LOVE your blog. When you have time, which is I’m sure, never…how about more recommendations for books?

  4. Ok, so I don’t normally bother to leave comments on the blogs I read- I myself am in a “honeymoon phase” with Google Reader and as a result skim through about four hundred posts per day about everything from butternut squash mac and cheese to evolutionary psychology- but I have to tell you that every time I read one of your posts I LOL. I am applying to grad school now and reading about folks who are working their asses off but loving it, and still managing to (even occasionally) pop into the world with an entertaining blog post is just damn inspiring. Also I think you should know that I drink seltzer every day, and that the La Croix sparkling water people have put out a coconut flavored seltzer with which I have fallen truly, madly, deeply in love.

  5. Uh, I remember neurology like this: Spend hours doing a detailed beyond belief history and physical, presenting to the neurologist. The diagnosis was either seizures(many subtypes here) or some arcane syndrome or diagnosis, the differentiating points between them to be nit-picked in the manner of the most ridiculous internal medicine brown nosing rounds. In the end, they seemed to all have the same outcome, dementiadeath.

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